Music videos in "Polish music" category (617)
Kult - Gdy Nie Ma Dzieci
"When There Are No Children" is singiel zespołu Kult released on August 15, 1998. The band Kult was founded in 1982 and performs alternative rock, and since its...
Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon
"Komu Bije Dzwon" is a single by the band Kult, released on June 4, 1998. Kult became famous for the atmosphere created at concerts and the unconventional message...
Kult - Polska
"Poland" is piosenka zespołu Kult recorded in 1987. At first it was known only from concerts, as it was rejected by the censors before being included on the album....
L-Dee - Poddaje Się
Another music video at the request of the artist himself, this time it is a song from the disco polo genre. L-Dee is a Polish artist from Zgierz. Leszek Danych...
Lady Pank - Czy Czujesz Jak
"Do You Feel How" is the eleventh single by the band Lady Pank, and was released on CD. The single promoted the 1996 album "Międzyzdroje". The music was composed...
Lady Pank - Dobra Konstelacja
Lady Pank's music video "Good Constellation" was shot for the thirtieth singla zespołu Lady Pank. The single promoted the band's studio album entitled "Strach się...
Lady Pank - Kryzysowa Narzeczona
Utwór zespołu Lady Pank, which has been triumphing on the Polish rock scene for more than twenty-five years. The song comes from the album titled. "Lady Pank" released...
Lady Pank - Mała Lady Punk
"Little Lady Punk" is the debut singiel zespołu Lady Pank. It was recorded in December 1981 during the recording session of the album Arrangements Izabeli Trojanowskiej....
Lady Pank - Mała Wojna
The song "Little War" comes from the seventh album of the band Lady Pank "Tacy Sami" from 1988. The album shows a clear influence of American musical styles, and...
Lady Pank - Marchewkowe Pole
Well, and I'm back to Polish hits. Today I chose the band Lady Pank, which has great old hits to its credit. One of the most recognizable hits of this band is the...
Lady Pank - Miejsce Przy Stole
"A Place at the Table" is a Christmas song by the band Lady Pank from their 1996 Christmas album "Winter Graffiti." No music video was made for the song, but it...
Lady Pank - Minus Zero
"Minus Zero" is an English version of the earlier song "Less Than Zero," and comes from the band's international album Drop Everithing, released in 1985 in the...
Lady Pank - Mniej Niż Zero
"Less Than Zero" is the second single from the band Lady Pank's 1983 debut album "Lady Pank." The song "Less Than Zero" was first recorded before the band's lineup...
Lady Pank - Mój Świat Bez Ciebie
"My World Without You" is the latest single by Polish rock legend Lady Pank from the 2011 album "Marathon." This moody ballad, like the other songs from the album,...
Lady Pank - Na Co Komu Dziś
Lady Pank is one of the most popular Polish (if not the most popular) rock bands. The song I want to present to you is utwór Lady Pank "Na Co Komu Dziś" from 1994....
Lady Pank - Na Granicy
"On the Border" is the next presented by us, the twentieth singel zespołu Lady Pank. It promoted the 2000 album "Our Reputation." A music video directed by Mariusz...
Lady Pank - Nie Chcę Litości
And more hits by the group Lady Pank, this time from the 1990s. I'd like to invite you to the song "I Don't Want Mercy," coming from the 1996 album "Międzyzdroje."...
Lady Pank - Nie Mów Mi Teraz Dobranoc
Another song from the Lady Punk band's 1996 Christmas album "Winter Graffiti." The album was to promote a TV show of the same title. Feel free to listen to another...
Lady Pank - Oglądamy Film
"We're Watching a Movie" is another piosenka zespołu Lady Pank from the 1988 album "The Same". One can hear a clear influence of American music in it. The arrangements...
Lady Pank - Otul Mnie
And now the latest Christmas hit from the band Lady Pank. I would like to invite you to another hit from the album "Zimowe graffiti" released in 1996, the song...