Music videos in "Polish music" category (617)
Stan Borys - Jaskółka Uwięziona
Stan Borys is a Polish singer, composer, actor, poet born in 1941. Today I have prepared for you one of the most famous songs by this artist and at the same time...
Stenia Kozłowska - Do Szczęścia Blisko
The song "Do Szczęścia Blisko" is from the repertoire of Polish singer Steni Kozlowska. The song was composed by Włodzimierz Kruszyński and Adam Skorupka, while...
Stenia Kozłowska - Nie Tęsknię Za Nikim
Stenia Kozlowska is a Polish singer, she was born on September 28, 1936 in Rouvroy, France and lived there until she was 17. When she came to Poland in 1954, she...
Stenia Kozłowska - Zorba
"Zorba" is a song from the repertoire of singer Steni Kozlowska. The singer lived in France for many years, and came to Poland in 1954, shortly after graduating...
Szczepcio i Tońko - Tylko We Lwowie
The song "Only in Lviv" was written for the 1939 film "Vagabonds." The text for it was written by Emanuel Szlechter and the music by Henryk Wars. The song is performed...
Sztywny Pal Azji - Spotkanie z... (Nie Gniewaj Się Na Mnie Polsko)
Sztywny Pal Azji is a Polish music band very popular in the 1980s, whose origins date back to late 1985. It started when a group of friends wanted to spend their...
Sztywny Pal Azji - Wieża Radości, Wieża Samotności
"Wieża Radości, Wieża Samotności" is a 1987 hit by the Polish rock band, Sztywny Pal Azji, and is a kind of showcase for the band. The song was included on the...
T. Love - Ajrisz
The song "Ajrisz" comes from the Model 01 album released in 2001, and quickly achieved gold status. It featured guest appearances by Kayah, Aga Morawska, Kazik...
T. Love - Chłopaki Nie Płaczą
"Chłopaki Nie Płaczą" is T.Love's 1997 hit from the album of the same name. The title song was an imitation and parody of boy-bands, reigning over the charts at...
T. Love - Love, Love, Love
The song "Love, Love, Love" is one of two new songs on T.Love 's 2007 compilation album. It includes their greatest hits released over 26 years. The featured song...
T. Love - Polish Boyfriend
"Polish Boyfriend" from 2003 is another pastiche of the band T.Love, and just like the previous one "Chłopaki nie płaczą" it gained a lot of popularity, a very...
T. Love - Warszawa
The last song I want to present to you today is "Warsaw, " przebój zespołu T. Love from 1991. The album "Pocisk miłości", from which this song comes, is the first...
Tadeusz Nalepa & Breakout - Modlitwa
Let's move to Polish music, there is no shortage of unforgettable hits. A very good example of such a song that I would like to remind you of in today's post is...
Tadeusz Nalepa - Oni Zaraz Przyjdą Tu
Another music video I've prepared for you today is the song Tadeusz Nalepa - They'll Come Here Soon. The artist himself probably doesn't need any introduction,...
Tadeusz Woźniak - Zegarmistrz Światła
"Clockmaker of Light" is the title of a song and also the debut album of singer and composer Tadeusz Wozniak, released in 1972. The song I want to present to you...
Tęcza - Tęcza Cza Cza Cza
"Tęcza Cza, Cza, Cza" is a song performed by the children's group Tęcza from Warsaw. The band most likely no longer exists, but was relatively popular in the 1990s....
The Twins - Time Will Tell (Dance Mix)
In the 1970s and 1980s, many musical trends emerged. One of them was the newly formed faction of New romantic pop music. One of the numerous bands of this kind...
Tik-Tak - Pan Tik-Tak
Tik-Tak, a television program for children. The first episodes were produced in 1981, and initially it was a puppet show. In 1983 it was joined by actors. The program...
Tilt - Jeszcze Będzie Przepięknie
Tilt is a Polish rock band that had been active intermittently since 1979. The band's name comes from the inscription indicating the interruption of the game caused...
Tilt - (Mówię Ci,) Że
Another hit I would like to remind you of is the 1986 song Tilt - I Tell You That. The band Tilt has been active intermittently since the late 1970s and the name...