1979 video
Marek Sierodzki recently played a piece of italo disco in hits of all time sung by a girl nanana or ela...
Are you looking for a song or music video from the old days? Maybe from your childhood? School parties? Student times? Do you remember any song from your childhood and can't remember who sang it? Or maybe the old hits have no secrets for you and you would like to help others in the search of songs that others are looking for? You're in the perfect place! Create a new thread and ask our users for help in finding this song.
Marek Sierodzki recently played a piece of italo disco in hits of all time sung by a girl nanana or ela...
in the video it was some military action but the chorus...
I'm looking for a song probably an American singer who drives first by car across the road, and then with friends in the evening is on the beach...
Hello, the video is the story of a pair of wolves. It's winter, one finds food and doesn't notice when he's attacked by something like...
Hello, I am looking for a music video with anti-Christian overtones in a depressive mood. It depicts a procession marching through the city. Some...
Hello, I'm looking for a song in which a music video has an older man sitting in a house and a young man dancing inside and then they go outside...
French singer from the 1970s sings a man with a child the child teases the father, discusses if I remember correctly in the refrain there is...
The video from what I remember showed two people hooked up to some kind of drip with a strange liquid, such a general theme a little scary,...
I remember an excerpt. Skeletons on a black background. There were probably three of them. Each in a different color. The guest sang in...
I'm looking for a music video from the Japanese version of blindig lights fragment is on YT but I can not find information about the performers...
Hey, I'm looking for a song that I accidentally deleted from my phone. It is would i lie to you guetty played on guitar as a chorus but in...
I'm looking for a music video, song/song/song. I can't recall the title. Strongly rhythmic (but quite slow), singing and title in English. The boy...
The video starts with a couple in a park, they start rolling down a hill on the grass, the girl thinks something has happened to the boy but...
Who is singing and what is the title. I think it was sung by a...
Looking for a song from the show You Can Dance (first or second season) whose music video shows a naked woman in a bathtub (with tattoos, I think)...
From 8/10 years ago I came across this kind of party music track with a weird music video. The cool song was catchy but...
The video for this song was some kind of protest, a woman speaks on TV, who looks normal on camera (probably some kind of leader) in real life,...
The song is sung by a slim man with Arabic features. I think he's wearing a suit. It takes place in a room, a bed, a woman. Characteristic moment...
I'm looking for a song (commercial?) that I saw on YouTube, displayed as an advertisement. A woman was singing something like...
Hey I'm looking for a rather club song where the violin is the main theme. The song itself already starts with a fast violin playing. On...
I used to watch this video over and over again as it aired on Viva and want to see years later if it was because of the girl or the music...
Quite a well-known song, it flew hundreds of times on the radio, the video was about how a junkie in a hoodie handcuffed a drug dealer, threw him...
#szukampiosenki Polish band consisting only of women, one sings others play guitars I think. I think it's the 80's, rock...
I'm looking for a French song in which a girl walks all the way up the stairs, probably she was dressed in purple or those stairs were purple...
I am looking for a Polish music video from the 90s or early 2000s. Unfortunately I don't remember the name, the lyrics or the genre...
I am looking for a song by a foreign male/female duo. The woman is singing the guy is talking, he is white light stubble she is African American,...
Hey, I'm looking for a music video for a rather romantic touching song where there are dark rooms, there are some people, there are old people and...
The only thing I remember is that there was rhythmic music and in the video there were white cars and one drifting, the people in the...
I'm looking for a song that flew on viva/mtv 2008-2012, in the video there were some friends driving in a car (I think they were going...