I'm looking for a song or music video

Are you looking for a song or music video from the old days? Maybe from your childhood? School parties? Student times? Do you remember any song from your childhood and can't remember who sang it? Or maybe the old hits have no secrets for you and you would like to help others in the search of songs that others are looking for? You're in the perfect place! Create a new thread and ask our users for help in finding this song.

All topics (942)

Polish pop and rap song

I can't recall the title of a Polish song that was popular some 6-10 years ago. I only remember a music video, which depicted the story...

Song/music video found

Looking for a song

I remember the boy had some egg and his father smashed it for him seriously that's all...

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I'm looking for a music video from MTV

A music video from the mid-90s, I remember that two girls rob a gas station. Then there is police action and one gets shot. During the course as...

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Looking for a song

I hope you can help, the song is a bit old, the year around 2010 or earlier. All I remember is that it was sung by a girl, on some pier on...

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The song in the video blonde in the grain

Hi. I'm looking for a song from the summer around the 2000s. A quiet song sung by a boy with black hair, a girl walking...

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looking for a song

Hello, I am looking for a song in which 2 girls I think are black get on the roof of a car and dance on it one I think has curly hair...

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american song in the background desert and...

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Looking for a song

The song is old, the video was black and white I think, she sings a girl with black long hair, and the video had a theme of a boat floating in...

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I'm looking for a song of a track from 2000

Song , track from 2000, video probably black and white, men rapping in French? In general I can't find anything from French...

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I'm looking for an old song

in the video there was a couple, they had black overalls I think and they were riding motorcycles but kind of in...

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Black and white music video + young woman smoking a cigarette

Hi, I am looking for a song probably in Spanish? The music video was black and white and in it mainly one girl short black hair, she was smoking...

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I'm looking for a music video of a techno song

I'm looking for a music video in which the actors look directly into the lens, strange situations arise (such as a guy looking at the viewer trying...

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I'm looking for a song by music video

Hey, I'm looking for a song from 2000-2010, an American song. It used to be very popular. I only remember parts of the video: the boy...

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Looking for a song about the Warsaw Uprising

Sings a little girl in Polish, the word "mom" occurs over...

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Music video with Chinese children

I'm looking for a video where a (I think) Chinese school is shown , and where the kids...

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I'm looking for a music video in black and white

I'm looking for a music video, the performer sings in English, at the beginning the faces of the models are shown, and then...

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Looking for a song

A guy in a red Ala winter hat dark curly hair to his shoulders sings more or less about a proposal there is a scene of him lying with a girl as...

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I'm looking for a song by music video

It was a disco polo song, I think somehow from 2020. It was sung by a red-haired boy who walked around the orchard wearing dungarees...

Song/music video found

A boy sings in the forest in English

I'm looking for a music video where a boy is singing in a forest, there are black clouds, and he is being attacked by some guys. The boy is young,...

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I'm looking for a song from 2022-2023 (remix I think)

I only remember that the music video featured two people, a woman about 20-24 years old with a nose piercing who after taking some (drug?)...

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I'm looking for a song with camels in the music video

Hello Looking for a certain song The action of the video was set in the desert, I think 2 people a woman and a man were running away on...

Song/music video found

I'm looking for a song describe the music video

American music video she little dressed up as probably a cat in white thanks to her voice he for a bulldog or from an amstaff and got off the leash...

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I'm looking for a Polish Rap song for probably some 2000+ years.

Hello, from the chorus I only remember something like this (chorus) "tons of love". , "everything doesn't matter, only time and worries, tons...

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I'm looking for a song sometime in 2000/2010

I am looking for a foreign song somehow from 2000/2010 sung by a woman. I only remember a piece of probably the chorus but I...

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I'm looking for a Polish song interspersed with French or another language

I am looking for a Polish song interspersed with French or another language "a nechte that...

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Looking for a song

Hello, I am looking for a song from the 80's. Type of music rock, on the video a guy wrapped himself with...

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A video from Bemowo's backyard.

I am looking for a music video, filmed in bemowo by a local group. It was aired around 2006. Recorded in the backyard...

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I only remember the yelec

The video is black and white, a young boy beheaded mushroom blonde escapes from prison with a woman, I think at the end he is on a stretcher...

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Looking for a track

Heyka I'm looking for a music video the action takes place in a clothing store I think the husband accompanies his wife and is enchanted suddenly...

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I'm looking for a song/video probably rock from the 90s/early 2000s

I'm looking for a song/video probably rock from the 90's/early 2000's where a woman (or rather her upper half) was speaking to the camera - in fact...

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