I'm looking for a song/television clip
The video entirely shot in the studio, uniform color, such as Everything yellow, Italian style song, in the video the car of the newlyweds. From...
Are you looking for a song or music video from the old days? Maybe from your childhood? School parties? Student times? Do you remember any song from your childhood and can't remember who sang it? Or maybe the old hits have no secrets for you and you would like to help others in the search of songs that others are looking for? You're in the perfect place! Create a new thread and ask our users for help in finding this song.
The video entirely shot in the studio, uniform color, such as Everything yellow, Italian style song, in the video the car of the newlyweds. From...
End of the 90s... band... a girl in...
From what I remember it is in the video a woman sings on stage, she changes with others for stanzas, the whole thing takes place in a club kind...
I'm looking for a song.The video is.two ladies in hats.heavily made up.Often the song was played on tvp's concert of wishes in the 80's,90's as...
Hello, I'm looking for a very old song sung by the voice of a robot. The song starts with the sounds of some kind of flute or pipe and slowly...
The action takes place in a club, starring a couple in...
A young boy (fatter, longer hair a little similar to Bena Hill ^^ ) during dinner begins to sing punk and riot, to which his mother gives him...
Greetings. I once found a song on Spotify that I've been looking for a few days. I remember that there was guitar music and the sound of rain. It...
I'm looking for a song, I remember that the music video is one frame without any camera movement. There is a living room with a TV and a woman...
Guy sits on park bench , wife packs suitcases for him, plays love songs for wife, wife looks for him at train station...
Hi, I'm looking for a song from the genre of electro from the memories I have of the video there were a lot of sports cars, they were doing races...
Hello, I'm looking for a song probably from the 2000s, pop, slightly in a sadder mood. The women (about 5 people) are in a building, on...
I am looking for a piece of music all whistled, but it is not the Bridge on the River Kwai, the song is from the...
Good morning, I'm looking for a song, unfortunately I only remember a snippet of the video and more specifically a man playing the keytar ( it's...
Good morning, I'm looking for a song - music so a bit creepy, circus or Christmas on the video a wizard I think with blonde hair :D:D I have it in...
TELEDITS a man wearing black glasses, had black long hair, probably not a suit and, importantly, had a suitcase with him. He was walking across...
Hey, I'm looking for a song, 2003-2007, I just remember that in the video there was a woman who was sort of wearing a ball of wool or something...
Hi,I'm looking for a music video of a song, shot in one shot, ball, dominoes stacked by the house, there was also toaster toast, type...
A couple, a handsome boy and a beautiful girl. They do things to spite each other. For example, he puts heavy things in her purse and drops her...
I'm looking for a song, rather a club song. The music video was colorful, animated(?), a female devil (?) drives a car through the street...
The title is 99.9% "fluorescent lights" the performer is Harry or Hary (I think michal) the lyrics of the chorus: "we shine fluorescent lights, we...
I'm looking for a rather pop song, from three/four years ago, where the video features a guy, sitting on a throne, he has a cape or fur, a crown...
I am looking for an American song in which the music video at the beginning they are eating dinner, and talking, the girl says she wants to meet...
I'm looking for a music video from the 90s where the singer was surrounded...
I can't recall the title of a Polish song that was popular some 6-10 years ago. I only remember a music video, which depicted the story...
I remember the boy had some egg and his father smashed it for him seriously that's all...
A music video from the mid-90s, I remember that two girls rob a gas station. Then there is police action and one gets shot. During the course as...
I hope you can help, the song is a bit old, the year around 2010 or earlier. All I remember is that it was sung by a girl, on some pier on...
Hi. I'm looking for a song from the summer around the 2000s. A quiet song sung by a boy with black hair, a girl walking...
Hello, I am looking for a song in which 2 girls I think are black get on the roof of a car and dance on it one I think has curly hair...