New Wave (page 2)

Music videos and songs from "New Wave" genre (58)

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

Release year: 1980
Added: 12 years ago

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" is a 1980 song by the British rock band Joy Division. There is a story associated with this song, the lyrics of which were written by...

Kim Wilde - Cambodia

Release year: 1981
Added: 14 years ago

Kim Wilde - Cambodia is the fourth single by the British singer Kim Wilde, which was released in late 1981. It was a year in which Wilde had already released three...

Kim Wilde - Kids In America

Release year: 1981
Added: 5 years ago

The song that undoubtedly guaranteed Kim Wilde's international career. The first single promoting the debut album of the British artist. The song gained incredible...

Kim Wilde - Water On Glass

Release year: 1981
Added: 14 years ago

Kim Wilde - Water on Glass is the third single by British singer Kim Wilde from her self-released album. The single was released on July 17, 1981, and immediately...

Klincz - Dokąd, Po Co i Jak

Release year: 1988
Added: 10 years ago

Hello to all lovers of good old hits. In today's update, I will post some songs by the band Klincz suggested by user @piernik. The mentioned band has two studio...

Klincz - Dziś Cofnąć Się Nie Mogę

Release year: 1988
Added: 10 years ago

Another utworem zespołu Klincz that I would like to introduce you to in today's update is the song "Dziś Cofnąć Się Nie Mogę." This song comes from the second studio...

Klincz, Urszula - Jak Lodu Bryła

Release year: 1988
Added: 10 years ago

For those who do not know a brief introduction about the band Klincz. This is a Polish music group that was formed in the first half of the 1980s in Poznan. The...

Kryzys - Mam Dość

Release year: 1985
Added: 11 years ago

Kryzys is one of the first Polish punk rock bands and its origins date back to 1978 when The Boors was formed in Warsaw by singer/guitarist Robert Brylewski, guitarist...

Kult - Do Ani

Release year: 1986
Added: 13 years ago

"Do Ani" single by the band Kult released in 1986. The song went to the top of the charts of the Scouting Broadcasting Station and then the Third Program of Polish...

Kult - Polska

Release year: 1987
Added: 13 years ago

"Poland" is piosenka zespołu Kult recorded in 1987. At first it was known only from concerts, as it was rejected by the censors before being included on the album....

Lady Pank - Mała Lady Punk

Release year: 2007
Added: 12 years ago

"Little Lady Punk" is the debut singiel zespołu Lady Pank. It was recorded in December 1981 during the recording session of the album Arrangements Izabeli Trojanowskiej....

Lady Pank - Minus Zero

Release year: 1985
Added: 13 years ago

"Minus Zero" is an English version of the earlier song "Less Than Zero," and comes from the band's international album Drop Everithing, released in 1985 in the...

Lady Pank - Wciąż Bardziej Obcy

Release year: 1983
Added: 14 years ago

Lady Pank 's music video and hit - Still More Alien is by many people the best song by this band. Who among you remembers when this song could be heard on MTV in...

Lech Janerka - Jezu, Jak Się Cieszę

Release year: 1993
Added: 11 years ago

Lech Janerka is a Polish musician, composer, songwriter and bass player. He began his musical career with his wife in the late 1970s when he performed at student...

Maanam - Luciola

Release year: 1984
Added: 13 years ago

The song "Luciola" comes from the fourth album of the rock group Maanam, "Mental Cut" from 1984. The song became very popular and was on the Third Program's Chart...

Maanam - To Tylko Tango

Release year: 1984
Added: 13 years ago

"To Tylko Tango" is przebojem zespołu Maanam from 1984, it was included on the album "Nocny patrol", which was one of the most famous and popular albums of the...

Nena - 99 Luftballons

Release year: 1983
Added: 18 years ago

Gabriele Susanne Kerner, better known as Nena, is a German singer who, despite recording more than a dozen albums, is best known for the song Nena - 99 Luftballons,...

New Order - Blue Monday

Release year: 1983
Added: 13 years ago

"Blue Monday" is a single released in 1983 by the British band New Order, and later remixed in 1988 and 1995. The remix was very different from its original version...

New Order - Love Will Tear Us Apart

Release year: 1980
Added: 13 years ago

New Order is a British music band formed in Manchester in 1980 by members of Joy Division shortly after the suicide death of singer Ian Curtis. Initially performing...

Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home)

Release year: 1983
Added: 13 years ago

Peter Schilling is a German singer and artist who performs mainly synth pop music. His first big hit is the featured song Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home),...