Latest music videos (page 54)

Tadeusz Nalepa & Breakout - Modlitwa

Release year: 1974
Added: 9 years ago

Let's move to Polish music, there is no shortage of unforgettable hits. A very good example of such a song that I would like to remind you of in today's post is...

Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms

Release year: 1986
Added: 9 years ago

The next music video I have prepared for you today is a proposal from user @piernik. It's a wonder that despite so many music videos we still lack so many classics.......

Bruce Hornsby And The Range - The Way It Is

Release year: 1986
Added: 9 years ago

Hello to all lovers of old hits after a long break. I've prepared an update for you which I'm starting with a hit from 1986. This video is a suggestion from our...

Krystyna Giżowska i Bogusław Mec - W Drodze Do Fontainebleau

Release year: 1984
Added: 10 years ago

The last hit I'd like to remind you of today is piosenka Krystyny Giżowskiej and Bogusława Mec "On the Road to Fontainebleau". Do you remember the good old days...?...

Urszula Sipińska i Piotr Figiel - Jaka jesteś, Mario

Release year: 1972
Added: 10 years ago

With another hit we will move to the early 1970s. Do you remember piosenkę Urszuli Sipińskiej and Piotra Figiel entitled "How are you, Maria"? This is a beautiful...

Czerwone Gitary - Powiedz Stary, Gdzieś Ty Był

Release year: 1969
Added: 10 years ago

We remain in the late 1960s. In this post I would like to remind you of the hit song by Czerwone Gitary - Say old man, somewhere you were from 1969. I don't have...

Czerwone Gitary - Biały Krzyż

Release year: 1968
Added: 10 years ago

I continue today to add patriotic songs and the next song I would like to present to you on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland's regaining independence...

Irena Santor - Powrócisz Tu

Release year: 1967
Added: 10 years ago

Welcome to another update. Today I will focus on Polish music and unforgettable Polish hits. The first song I would like to remind you of is the single Irena Santor...

Małżeństwo Na Wieczność - Małżeństwo Na Wieczność

Release year: 2008
Added: 10 years ago

I'll end today's update in an unusual way. The song Marriage Forever is difficult for me to classify, we don't have a "Humor" section on Muzolandia so the song...

Mojito - Eo Ea! (Que Viva La Noche)

Release year: 1999
Added: 10 years ago

We go further to the year 1999 in which the hit song Mojito - Eo Ea (Que Viva La Noche) broke into the charts. This is a typical example of a one hit band, so I...