I am urgently looking for the title of the song!

I'm looking for a song/music video

I'm looking for a song that has been sitting in my head for a while with a rhythm, unfortunately I don't remember the words very well. In the video it was sung by a black man in a hat. I think it was about love, unfortunately I don't remember much, but my brain doesn't let up :P It reminds me of the 90s, but I also don't rule out the time 2006-2010. I know it's a huge difference, but that's all I have in my head. I say right away that this is not the song Willy William - Ego. It is an older song ... It was certainly popular.

Replies (2)


I think he is looking for the same ;)
do you already have something ?


Maybe John Legend or Labyrinth ? :)

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