I'm looking for a music video

I'm looking for a song/music video


The topic has been bothering me for a few years now ;) I'm looking for a music video from 1994, maybe 1995, and I remember it was airing on t.v. at the time of "Saturday night".
Well, so from the music video I associate a black girl with a storm of black hair and how people were trying to force their way into a room through some kind of door filled with a rubber sheet of light color and so these hands and heads were showing through this elastic something (I know, sounds like some kind of weird dream).
From the lyrics I remember something like this: tenks la du la tu tenks, tenks du lata du la tenks. The song was fast, rhythmic.
I was about 5 years old at the time, so don't be surprised, please, that I remember it that way ;)

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Lost Memories

Stella Getz - Friends

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