looking for a song 2017+/-

I'm looking for a song/music video


hello, I'm looking for a song in the video where a handicapped man sits, the boy drops a book to him, his girlfriend picks it up and puts money in the book then they go on a train then they enter a store and steal vodka then they run out followed by a smiling salesman who chases them - the performer had a bit of a similar voice to Keke I think, the song was on youtube on the channel hip hop promoter but the channel is no longer there it was probably a love song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hJ2BKwf5LU the performer was probably on W - but I can't remember it's been bothering me for 4 years now I can't find it anywhere if anyone knows anything let me know :D pls

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I found it by myself, at least it popped up by itself on my head xd Toothpick - we met by accident

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