
Country music is a popular musical genre that originated in the early 20th century in the United States. Initially a simple form, over time it has acquired influences from such genres as jazz, rock, pop and even rock and roll music.Read more

Music videos and songs from "Country" genre (3)

Gerry Rafferty - Don't Give Up On Me

Release year: 1992
Added: 7 years ago

In today's posts we will stay with Scottish singer Gerry Rafferty. However, this time we will move to the early 1990s when this singer released his seventh album...

Nancy Sinatra - Bang, Bang / The Shadow Of Your Smile

Release year: 1966
Added: 17 years ago

Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang

The Everly Brothers - Medley 2

Release year: 1983
Added: 11 years ago

The last suggestion I have prepared for you tonight is the so-called medley, which is a compilation of hits by some performer. You can often hear such performances...