Hits from 1970

Below you will find old hits from year 1970 added to Muzolandia. Missing your favorite songs? Contact us :)

Hits from year 1970 | best music videos and songs (24)

Badfinger - Without You

Release year: 1970
Added: 6 years ago

The song "Without You" performed by Mariah Carey is probably known to all of us. However, few people know the history of this song, so in this post I will try to...

Black Sabbath - Paranoid

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"Paranoid" is a song by British heavy metal band Black Sabbath, from their 1970 second album Paranoid. It is the first single from the album. The song reached No....

Black Sabbath - War Pigs

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"War Pigs" is an anti-war song by British heavy metal band Black Sabbath from their 1970 album Paranoid. It is widely believed that the band wrote the song as a...

Czesław Niemen - Jednego Serca

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

Users of the site ask me about Czesław Niemen's songs that are missing from the site, so I decided to add some of the artist's hits, and so for starters I have...

Czesław Niemen - Kwiaty Ojczyste

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

The song Czeslaw Niemen - Kwiaty Ojczyste comes from the fourth album by this Polish singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist. The album, titled "Enigmatic,"...

Deep Purple - Child in Time

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"Child in Time" is a song by the British hard rock band Deep Purple. It dates from 1970 and was released on the album "Deep Purple in Rock". The group was formed...

Edwin Starr - War

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

Edwin Starr is an American soul music singer who is perhaps best known for his song Edwin Starr - War. The song, which was intended as a protest against the Vietnam...

Farida Gangi - Pensami Stasera

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

And do any of you remember this following song? Farida Gangi - Pensami Stasera Faride Gangi is an Italian pop singer born in Catania in 1946. She is known in our...

Irena Santor - Tych Lat Nie Odda Nikt

Release year: 1970
Added: 4 years ago

Irena Santor, can we imagine the Polish music scene without this artist? Of course not! This is one of the most recognizable singers in Poland, and by people of...

Jacek Lech - Bądź Dziewczyną Z Moich Marzeń

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

Jacek Lech was the vocalist of the band Czerwono - Czarni, he was born on April 15, 1947 in Bielsko-Biała and died on March 25, 2007. The song Jacek Lech - Bądź...

Jacek Lech - Ballada O Dzikiej Róży

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

The song Jacek Lech - Ballada O Dzikiej Róży (The Ballad of a Wild Rose ) comes from the debut album of the pioneers of Polish bigbit, the Czerwono-Czarni band....

James Brown - Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A Sex Machine

Release year: 1970
Added: 6 years ago

In today's post we will move to the '70s of the previous century. Exactly in that year, a very popular artist and singer James Brown released his next album. The...

Krzysztof Klenczon i Trzy Korony - 10 W Skali Beauforta

Release year: 1970
Added: 3 years ago

"10 In Beaufort Scale" is a song from the repertoire of the Polish band Trzy Korony, which promoted an album titled "Krzysztof Klenczon i Trzy Korony." The album...

Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

It's time for a new update! :) Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song is one of the singles by British band Led Zeppelin, opening the 1970 album Led Zeppelin III. The track...

Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"Since I've Been Loving You" is a blues rock hit by English rock star Led Zeppelin, released on the album "Led Zeppelin III" in 1970. The song showcased the virtuoso...

Marek Grechuta - Nie Dokazuj

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

Marek Grechuta is an outstanding Polish singer-poet, singer, composer and painter by profession he is an architect. The song I want to present to you is the song...

Marek Grechuta - Niepewność

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"Niepewność" is one of the most popular and recognizable songs by the outstanding Polish artist,Marek Grechuta. The music to the words of the poem by Adam Mickiewicz...

Maryla Rodowicz - Jadą Wozy Kolorowe

Release year: 1970
Added: 14 years ago

Maryla Rodowicz is a Polish pop singer but her credits also include country and pop-rock songs. She was born on December 8, 1945 in Zielona Gora. She had her first...

Mungo Jerry - Mungo Jerry

Release year: 1970
Added: 15 years ago

Another old hit I'd like to introduce to you is an unforgettable and even legendary song by a British folk rock group from 1970. Probably some fans of old hits...

Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia

Release year: 1970
Added: 13 years ago

"Cecilia" is a song written by American musician Paul Simon. It was first released by the duo Simon & Garfunkel in 1970, and was included on the album "Bridge...